(310) 880-9647
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Mayfield Environmental Solutions is an MBE/DBE General Contractor in Southern California with decades of experience in Jobsite Maintenance, general Site Services, Best Management Practices (BMPs), BMP Installations, Weed Abatement and Landscaping Services, BMP Installs & Silt Fence, Fence Repair & Installation, Street Sweeping services, Sandbag and Wattle & Geotextile, Erosion Control, Inlet Protection, Dust Control, Safety Equipment and Traffic Control, Vacant Lot Maintenance, as well as Road Repairs and Grading, Hydroseeding, Tree Removal, Graffiti Removal/Industrial Painting, Demolition & Bobcat Services, and other services that suit your Jobsite’s specific layout. We also do Road Repair/Asphalt Patching with our QSPs’ environmental compliance in force. We also have years of experience in Vault Repair/Maintenace Work at Superfunds and landfills.
We are also the ONLY company with full Weed Abatement and Manual Labor services with a 40-hour HAZWOPER-certified team. We are licensed C-27 (Landscaping, Landscape Architecture, Arborist/Tree Work) in the State of California (#833333) and Public Works certified. We are also experts in Vegetation Management and Weed Control, including spraying pre-emergent, post-emergent, herbicides, and more to suit your specific project.
We also have extensive experience in illegal Homeless Encampment Cleanups on properties and jobsites, including Biohazard, Crime Scene, Fentanyl Cleanup work, Trash and Waste Hauling and Roll-Off Bins, and Drugs.
We are also the only company in Southern California that can simultaneously offer certified SWPPP/QSP/QISP inspections, our own QSDs/Designers to design Water Board plans, our own field labor needed to repair or install BMPs and maintain SWPPP/GCP/IGP permitting, and the engineering licenses to build them.
We will help make your Jobsite, Development, or Brownfield OSHA, AQMD, DTSC, & environmentally compliant.
Give us a call at (310) 880-9647 or Email Us and let’s get the job done together.