(310) 880-9647 Email Us Free Quotes; no Obligation
Mayfield Environmental Solutions is an MBE/DBE General Contractor in Southern California with decades of experience in asphalt and road repair, excavation, grading, and demolition through our General Engineering “A” License (#833333).
This includes comprehensive asphalt patching, cold planing, road repair, pothole patching, and related grading/excavation/surveying/demolition/erosion protection services. Our portfolio includes private commercial properties, Superfunds/CRCLA sites, landfills, and Public Works across Southern California.
The Water Board’s new 2022 Construction General Permit requires full SWPPP compliance, and inspections now even for soil disturbances as small as 1 square acre. This means your road project might expose you to unintended Water Board violations and environmental liability. This makes us the only Demo/Excavation company in the region that also has all relevant Stormwater/Water Board licenses to do the job from top to bottom.
Further, we also have California’s rare Hazardous Substances Removal License (#833333) to remove any Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) you might encounter, haul any Contaminated Soil you might find, do any Confined Space Work needed, not to mention a full 40-hour HAZWOPER certified labor team.
Give us a call at (310) 880-9647 or Email Us and let’s get the job done together.