Ozone Treatments, Hydroxyl Air Scrubbing, Deodorization

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Many problems that clients, landlords, and property owners encounter involve heavy pollution of microbes, germs, odors, and airborn “smells” (volatile organic compounds/VOCs). The aftermath of corpse removal or decomposition, drug labs/fentanyl and meth residues, and mold outbreaks continue to leave behind troublesome odors that are very difficult to remove and scare away future inhabitants or investors. In addition to removing the source of the contamination using proper containments and exclusion zones, our most high-tech methods of deodorization and remediation involve Ozone Treatments and Hydroxyl. Although Ozone is noxious to human health, pets, and plants, it is a temporary gas that dissipates and effectively “breaks” carbon chains that make up the odorous VOCs. Even more high-tech is Hydroxyl, which involves the use of germicidal Ultraviolent irradiation technology to “break” carbon chains and VOCs through oxidization in a way that is completely harmless. Humans can occupy the room while the Hydroxyl treatments are running.

Give Mayfield a call for heavy biohazard, corpse cleanups, fentanyl/drug lab cleanups, deodorization, and disinfection/sterilization cleaning!


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